* Could my child be entering puberty early?

Early adolescence; It is observed that the adolescence has decreased since the beginning of the 2000s. Puberty normally begins between the ages of 8–13 for girls and 9–14 for boys. These lower limits are the age of exposure of the first signs of puberty. Completion of puberty involves between 2 and 6 years. This process varies from family to family and from child to child, even from culture to culture. It takes an average of 5 years to begin and end puberty. Early adolescence can also be a harbinger of very important diseases. Brain tumors, hormone-secreting tumors that develop in the ovaries or adrenal gland can cause early puberty. In addition, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, chemicals that disrupt the hormone system, hormonal foods, pesticides, DDT and products used in the plastic industry can lead to early puberty.

* How can I tell if my child is in puberty? Is the age of onset the same for each child?

Adolescence is the transition period into adulthood, seen between the ages of 12-18. It is a period of 11 years for girls, generally starting at the age of 13 for boys, up to 20 years of age. In this period of physical, social, sexual, spiritual change and development, feelings that seem opposite to each other are experienced together. In adolescence, the individual is neither a child nor an adult. Adolescence is the beginning of a period with many biological physical and hormonal changes. Adolescence begins with the effect of hormones secreted from the area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus-pituitary. There are differences between boys and girls in the symptoms of adolescence. Generally, the growth of breasts in adolescent girls begins with the growth of testicles (ovaries) in boys. In 15% of girls, the first finding may be hair growth in the genital area and rarely the onset of menstrual bleeding. In men, growth and hair growth in the testicles are decisive.

* Why was my child so angry and rebellious with adolescence?

Adolescence is a period of change. They are hormonally transformed, which affects a lot of things, from personality change to physical change. Young people have more emotions of surprise and anxiety towards these rapid changes in their own bodies. In this process that starts with bodily change, it is very difficult for adolescents to adapt to this situation. Bodily changes can cause the person to be more interested in his own body, spend hours in front of the mirror and develop obsessions about his body. Since emotions are more flaming during adolescence, they do not have the ability to control this.

* What can I do in the face of my child's vicious attitudes?

Difficulty in adapting to changes in the body manifests itself in their behavior and reactions to the people around them. Emotional fluctuations are common in early adolescence. They can be depressed one day and pleasant the next day. Self-confidence may decrease. Adolescents are generally closer to their mothers and are more closed in their relationship with fathers. The daughter-father relationship is even more distant. However, generational conflict does not necessarily occur in adolescence. Close and warm family relationships accelerate the healthy development of the adolescent. Problems do not start with adolescence. There is already a family communication problem before adolescence. Despite the desire for independence too much, detachment from the family can create fear in adolescents. This causes the family, who cannot understand the fears of the adolescent, in their fears and conflicts with their children. One of the most important causes of family-adolescent conflicts will be whether the problems are not noticed or noticed and postponed. Give you the opportunity to do something for you, to do you a favor. Share something from your private so that he can share it with you. Support its growth, but never forget to compete with authority. Always try to be consistent and fair in what you say and do. Give your favorite message regularly, consistently and without exaggeration. Do not criticize too much about their strengths, but try to recognize their strengths together. Really believe in the principle that everyone can make mistakes. Do not force. Convince! Do not ordered. You're welcome!

* Why does our child want to be with their friends instead of being with us?

In this period, friends become more important than family. The family's role here should not be to stop opening out with distrust, but also to support positive friendships. It is much more important for the young to be accepted by their friends. Adolescent's relations with his friends have a very important place in his life. In the first years of adolescence, girls communicate with girls and boys communicate with boys. Girls often have long, long conversations with their girlfriend, with whom they have the same common tastes. In adolescence, girls are a matter of curiosity for boys and boys for girls. However, the development of good friendships with the opposite sex is observed at a slightly older age. Friendship of girls and boys at this age, against themselves and against

Identification of the breed is important in that they have different perspectives when evaluating the events. People who do not have healthy communication with the family, especially before puberty, are likely to develop negative attitudes. Adolescence is also a period in which life philosophy, death, social values ​​and religion are studied and discovered. In this development, peers act as mirrors. Another important problem for the adolescent is the desire to be independent. Social acceptance, love and respect from others, body beauty, success, strength and independence are the most important expectations.

* Will my child's school success be affected by adolescence?

It is a situation that is frequently encountered but cannot be generalized because it will necessarily happen. In cases where the severity of the conflicts increase and the solution becomes a priority, routine duties can be neglected. As a result, a decrease in success may occur. Some of the psychiatric disorders that start with adolescence or coincide with adolescence are also factors that negatively affect school success.

* Can we call adolescence a period of wondering and trying bad habits?

During this period, adolescents are unprotected and inexperienced enough to be exposed to many effects, and they can try alcohol, cigarettes or even substance abuse, which we can call adult trials.

* How does identity develop in adolescence?

"Who?" is a period that he questions. This identity crisis can be experienced in different ways. Identity confusion can cause various mental problems and can reach depression, panic and suicide attempts. The healthy solution of the adolescent in the complexity of identity will be to complete the identity development with an appropriate counseling and treatment. Adolescence is a rapidly developing period, but it should not be said that it is normal during adolescence. Accurate individualization in adolescence is having a personality vision, target structuring appropriate to this vision, developing strategy and alternative to target, and finally putting them into practice by keeping the awareness of personality resources strong.

Psychologist Ezgi Özkan