What is Nose Aesthetic Operation?

Nose aesthetics is an operation to correct the shape of the nose.

Is There a Nose Aesthetic Surgery Age?

The earliest recommended age for rhinoplasty is the ages 16–17, where 90% of nasal growth is complete. We find age 17 for girls and 18 for boys. The upper limit can be done at any age, if the patient does not have a disease that will prevent surgery.

Is The Only Important Aesthetic Appearance?

Usually, together with aesthetic purposes, patients also express their difficulties in breathing. In the middle section (septum deviation) and deformations of other anatomical formations accompany this situation in most of the patients with deformity, patients also get rid of these problems at the same time.

When Is Nose Aesthetics Performed?

It can be done in any season of the year, it is left to the choice of the patient.

What Can Be Done Before The Nose Aesthetic Surgery?

In the preoperative interview; A detailed endoscopic examination is performed to assess breathing and intranasal structures. It is determined what kind of nose the patient wants after the operation and whether this nose structure is suitable for the patient. Nose aesthetic surgery is performed at the request of the patient, but a nose aesthetic that is not suitable for the patient's face is not performed because the patient wanted it. In our clinic, before and after the nose aesthetics, the patients who want to see the result of the operation on average are performed on the computer before and after the patient's nose.

Will my nose fall if i become a nose aesthetic?

Cartilage, which we often call septum, is our interventions for tissue to resolve breathing problems or correct the axle of the nose in nose aesthetic surgeries. There is no collapse or fall in the nose when paying attention to the formation of the anatomical points of support of the bone and cartilage tissues that provide the support of the nasal tissue during these interventions. Therefore, in experienced hands, nose surgery performed by respecting good planning and texture is not expected to fall or collapse in the nose.

How is the surgery done?

In most nose surgeries, the incisions are made inside the nose wings and worked from there. The incision provides the surgeon with the entrance door to cut, shave, reshape and change the appearance of bones and cartilage. The nose bump is removed using a chisel or saw-like instrument, and then the nose bones on both sides are brought closer together to form a narrower bridge. Cartilage incisions reduce the tip of the nose and provide a better contour. The nose tip is lifted to correct the angle between the root of the nose and the upper lip. This is accomplished by trimming the cartilage in the middle of the nose through an incision made in the wings. The duration of the surgery takes 1-2 hours. The time may increase depending on the case. Postoperative bruising and swelling are much less common than previous surgical techniques.

Are there bruises after surgery?

Bruises occur when the bones are broken. The technique used when breaking bones can sometimes be important. Doing this from inside or outside can vary depending on the surgeon's preference. The amount of the bruise can change accordingly. But there is no permanent bruising.

How many days to stay in the hospital after surgery?

It is useful to keep the patient under control in the hospital for 1 night.

What are the Plaster and Bandage Times?

It is between 1 week and 10 days on average. Tampons in the nose are removed on the 2nd day. We use silicon pads in our clinic. These tampons both pass the postoperative period comfortably and do not hurt the patient while they are removed. After the operation, a thermoplastic (softening in cold water, freezing when cooled) mold is applied on the nose and held for 7–9 days.

When Is The Sun Out? When to Wear Glasses?

In general, there are no restrictions other than active sunbathing. After bone healing is completed 1 month after surgery, glasses can be worn.

How Should Successful Nose Aesthetics Be?

The best plastic surgery is uncertain…

The nose should not look like it has been made after aesthetic nose surgery. It should be natural, beautiful and harmonious with the face. It should definitely add positive change to the face and expression. However, outsiders should not realize that this positive change is due to the nose.

There should be no deformation in the nose over time...

The nose should be beautiful as the swelling dissolves after aesthetic nose surgery. Problems such as collapsing or falling over time should not occur.

It should not be forgotten that the nose is primarily the respiratory organ.

During aesthetic nose surgery, the respiratory functions of the nose should be preserved and if any problems should be corrected. If there are problems such as deviation, sinusitis and nasal flesh during nose aesthetics, it must be eliminated with priority.

Kiss. Dr. Cenk Evren | Ear Nose Throat