
Riniz is a rhinitis and allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergy. It is characterized by allergic rhinitis, sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. It is often accompanied by itching of the eyes, nose and palate. The incidence in our country ranges between 2-37% in children and 8-30% in adults. Although it can occur at any age, the first symptoms mostly occur in childhood and young adulthood. Other allergic diseases (eczema, asthma, oral allergy syndrome) are more common in people with allergic rhinitis. For example, asthma can develop in a third of patients.


Patients with allergic rhinitis present with complaints of sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and nasal itching. Also, nasal discharge, cough, weakness, and smell may be difficult. Some patients may experience itching in the palate and ear.

If it is accompanied by allergic conjunctivitis, itching, watering and redness may accompany the eyes. High palate and dental disorders due to constant mouth breathing may occur. Complaints in allergic rhinitis are bilateral, unilateral or yellow / green colored runny nose is not compatible with allergic rhinitis.
rhinitis 3 "Due to itching, the movement of pushing their noses upwards with their hands (allergic salute) and the horizontal line formation on the nasal tip, associated with edema in the eyes, slight dark discoloration are typical signs of allergic rhinitis."

In untreated patients, sleep disorders may occur due to inability to breathe easily. Children may have attention deficit, impaired concentration, test failure, and decreased self-confidence.
In adults, anxiety, depression, decreased academic performance and job productivity can result in a decrease in quality of life.
Allergic rhinitis is classified according to the duration and severity of the symptoms. The findings are called "intermittent (intermittent)" less than four days a week or less than four weeks, and "persistent (chronic)" allergic rhinitis if more than four days a week and longer than four weeks.

When classifying according to severity, sleep disturbance, daily activity and exercise deterioration, work / school life disturbance, distress
It is defined as “moderate / severe” if it is accompanied by donor symptoms, and “mild” allergic rhinitis if none are accompanied.

In daily practice, more often; It is classified as “seasonal” if seen in spring, and perenial (year-round) allergic rhinitis if seen all year round.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis mostly occurs due to airborne tree, meadow and grass pollen and is also called “hay fever” but it is not an accurate definition. The amount of pollen may vary depending on the geographical area in which it is lived. The amount of pollen is more intense in dry and windy weather, and allergic rhinitis findings may increase. In allergic rhinitis all year round, the causes are mostly domestic allergens such as house dust mite, mold fungus, cockroaches and animal hair.


The most important point in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is the patient's story. What triggers and which season dermatitis 4 will help to diagnose. On physical examination, the inner surface of the nose is pale and the soft tissues called “concha” are swollen.

Allergic agent causing rhinitis can be detected by allergy tests made from blood or skin. Skin tests are primarily preferred to detect allergy. Radiological imaging tests are not a desired test under normal conditions, they can be performed when treatment is unsuccessful or if a disease other than allergic rhinitis is considered.
Allergic rhinitis; Patients should be evaluated in detail as they can be confused with many diseases such as infection-related rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, polyp (meat in the nose), adenoid size, foreign body, cysticfibrosis, Kartegener's syndrome and tumors.


Rhinitis In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, avoiding allergens and drug therapy are essential. Many patients' complaints can be controlled in this way. The most commonly used drugs are; antihistamines and nasal sprays containing cortisone, which reduce the effect of allergens. Since cortisone in sprays is applied only to the nose, its side effect is almost non-existent. Treatment aids, such as nose washes, are also useful.

In addition to drug therapy, another proven treatment is vaccine therapy with allergen (immunotherapy). Allergen immunotherapy method should be performed by allergy specialists, as it is determined specifically for individuals with the appropriate conditions and allergies for this application. Allergic immunotherapy, which provides relief of allergic rhinitis complaints, may also prevent the development of asthma in some patients.
For more detailed information on allergen protection, patients can consult the physician who monitors and benefit from the brochures prepared by our association.