Why Is the Life of Love 2 Years?
Is the Eye of Love Really Blind?
Why Can't We See the Mistakes of Our Lover When You Fall in Love?
Is Love An Addiction?

Many people have thought about these questions at certain times and discussed them among them. These questions confused not only those who believed in love but even those who did not. We know that love is short in life, and we can not predict that it causes it to know.
Are you ready to answer the questions that few people know the answer to? Here are the important notes I prepared for you from scientifically proven Neurobiological studies on understanding the anatomy of love.

Life of Love is 1-2 years

When we fall in love, the level of cortisol in the blood is very high in those early times when love is at its peak in women and men. In addition, serum testosterone levels are secreted too much in women. The high level of serum testosterone causes obsessive attachment to the woman's lover.

It is said that the people who are in love are obsessive, just like obsessive compulsive disorder, cannot get themselves from thinking about her lover, talking about her, living with her focus, she always wants to be with her, based on biological basis. In obsessive-compulsive disorder, serotonin level decreases, and it is known that serotonin level decreases in the person who falls in love.

After 1-2 years, the cortisol level in the blood and the serum testosterone level in the woman begin to decrease. Thus, the process of attachment to one another obsessively ends with time or leaves its place to other emotions.

Love is blind

Researches say that mother love and romantic love are common features. It has been found that some brain regions of mothers and lovers, for example, brain regions that cause negative emotions and provide a critical approach, have stopped working. Especially the brain; By criticizing the amygdala, frontal, parietal and middle temporal cortexes, the person's criticism is prevented. The proverbs “love is blind”, “Kuzguna cub looks like a hawk” among the people, explain this situation very well.

Addicted Love

As mentioned before, at the summit of romantic love, the opposite process is similar to an obsessive disease, and every moment can be given to think about it every minute, to see it, to have a great desire to hear your voice, to have difficulty directing attention to other things like obsessions. . Under the heading of love is blind, I talked about maternal love and similar points in romantic love, and now I will talk about a hormone that is not secreted in maternal love but is secreted in the person who is in love. Dopamine hormone; the reward is responsible for the feeling of well-being and sexual desire. High levels of dopamine release are seen in drug users, which causes addiction. The secretion of dopamine hormone in romantic love also explains an indescribable happiness, enthusiasm, passion, why he is addicted to the person he falls in love with, feels good while thinking and / or with him.

Source: This article was created by quoting the articles titled The Transcendent Neural Basics of the Neuropsychology Association (Prof. Dr. Öget Öktem) and Parent-Child Relationship: A Neuroscientific Approach (Hakan Yılmaz). You can read these and other articles by entering the website of the Association of Neuropsychology for more detailed information.