The basis of bruises is laid in childhood and the biggest share in the poorness of the table is in parents who do not give their children oral and dental health education ...

The teeth begin to develop inside the bone before being seen in the mouth. As the development of the roots of the tooth increases, it rises into the mouth. Your baby begins to remove the first milk teeth in the month of 6 -7. Between the ages of 6-12, permanent teeth are replaced by milk teeth.

What are the basis of the bruises that occur during this period?

• Excessive chocolate and sugar consumption
• High fever diseases
• Sleeping with mouth open
• Bad habits (thumb sucking, incorrect swallowing, etc.)
• Drinking milk at night
• Inadequate oral care

What are the problems that may occur when the bruises that are formed are not treated and removed?

Early shoots during this mixed dentition period, where milk teeth and permanent teeth were replaced;

• Influence of growth and development by affecting the nutrition of the child.
• Perplexity in permanent teeth
• Permanent teeth remain buried
• Permanent teeth tip over towards the extracted cavity
• Disruption of the child's speech and diction
• It can cause many problems such as deterioration of jaw relations.

For this reason, our children should definitely have a doctor checked after their first teeth come out and their treatments should not be disrupted with the thought that they will never fall ...