When people with allergic bodies encounter pollen; Diseases such as Allergic Asthma, allergic cold and eye fever may occur. The amount of pollen flying in the air decreases in rainy, humid weather, while it increases in sunny, dry weather.

What happens if allergic symptoms are not treated?

Most people have symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, burning eyes. However, if these symptoms are not treated, they can lead to more important health problems.

What are these?

When the allergy increases; the nose is blocked, the mucous membranes swell, the sinuses are blocked, and can lead to sinusitis.

Inflamed nasal discharge may go down to your stomach, and if you have reflux, it may increase the symptoms of reflux.

Postnasal drip; it can also escape into the respiratory tract and lead to bronchitis exacerbations.

If you have asthma; As a result of exacerbation, you can have a bronchitis attack.

Postnasal drip; it can lead to some ear problems by passing through the eustachian tube connecting the nasal throat and middle ear. Hearing loss, ear pain, ear infections can be encountered.

Another consequence of nasal and throat obstructions that develop due to allergy and sinus problems is the sleep apnea. These patients remain sluggish and exhausted in the morning.

Sleep apnea causes heart disease if left untreated. It may cause heart rhythm disturbances and strokes during sleep.

If your simple allergic nasal complaint does not go away with the measures you have taken, you should consult a specialist doctor to avoid any further condition.

Know that; an untreated allergy can also lead to a severe asthma attack.

Why is Allergy and Asthma Increasing Frequency?

An important reason for this; allergens (allergens) increase due to global warming. As a result, the number of pollen circulating in the air increases every year. Therefore, the complaints of those with pollen allergies are increasing.

Another reason; The result of unnecessary use of antibiotics is the emergence of resistant microbes and therefore the treatment of respiratory diseases is difficult.

Also; The increase in environmental pollution from cars and factories on the roads is also an important reason. Environmental pollution does not directly cause allergies, but; As a result of the reactions in the respiratory tract, it causes an increase in allergic symptoms.

Cigarette smoke and air pollution are also among the main enemies of respiratory allergies.

Exp. Dr. M. Fatih Kebanlı
Chest Diseases