Icy weather, thick coats, insufficient physical activity, unbalanced nutrition. with the thinning of our clothes began to appear. Thus, diet started to form the agenda of many of us. And in a short time, shock diets that lose high amounts of weight are still in vogue… Actually; many of us know that we will not be hungry by being hungry… But such a settlement has been established that this idea is often kept falling into the same error.

So, what do we need to do to enter the writers in a healthy form?

1- First of all, it is necessary to make a meal with an interval of 3 hours. Because this period ensures that the blood glucose level is kept within normal limits. With longer hunger, blood sugar drops and an unavoidable feeling of hunger arises, we cannot hold ourselves and eat too much. Therefore, 3 main and 2-3 snacks are ideal.

2- "The breakfast should be made like a king in the morning." A well-made breakfast toktutar has a positive effect on our performance throughout the day.

3- Instead of refined carbohydrates; plenty of cereal, rye breads, wholemeal pasta, dried legumes should be preferred.

4- We must remove sugar from our lives. Sugar is a carbohydrate. We already get enough sugar from bread, milk and fruit, no need to fatigue the body by buying extra simple sugar.

5- Use cinnamon to suppress the dessert request. Add cinnamon to your tea, milk and fruit. Also, sprinkle some black pepper to ignore any complaints in your stomach. The chrome inside will suppress the sweet wish.

6- Cooking methods are also very important. Roasting, roasting in oil for a long time are both harmful for health and weight gain. So be careful to use the grill, bake or boil method in the pan without oil.

7- Do not add more than 2 tablespoons of oil to 1 kilo vegetable meal. Do not add any fat to meat and chicken dishes. Oils are healthy compared to solid oils, yes, but 1 gram of any kind of oil means 9 calories.

8- We should consume at least 5 servings a day in seasonal vegetables and fruits. Colorful vegetables, fruits are stores of vitamins.

9- We need to increase our fluid intake, as our fluid excretion increases with sweating in the writers. We should drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

10- Eat your food slowly, long by sniffing.

11- Drink water before meals or start your meal with soup; increase stomach volume, get a feeling of satiety quickly.

12- The weather is beautiful, everywhere is green, flowers are blooming ... Do not miss this opportunity and walk at least 40 minutes 3-4 days a week. One should not exaggerate the physical activity, it is necessary to choose a type of activity that you can do regularly.