Recently, the trend towards herbal teas has been increasing. So how conscious and controlled do you consume these herbal teas? Let us give you the answer to all questions separately ...

What Does Herbal Tea Benefit for the Body?

Herbal teas accelerate metabolism and remove edema in the body. In addition, by providing fullness, it supports less calorie intake and loses weight. In addition, it has a preventive effect against toxins especially in winter and strengthens the immune system. It has an antioxidant effect.

Is More of Herbal Tea Harmful?

What our ancestors said: "Everything is less, decision is most harm." It is harmful as excess intake will cause liver enzymes and kidney load increase and hypotension, heart palpitations. Therefore, it should be consumed carefully.

How Much should be consumed?

Consume up to 3 cups of herbal tea daily. It is more recommended to consume these 3 cups differently.

How should it be consumed?

Your drink varies according to herbal tea. If you want to drink green tea, it should not be consumed with meals because of its caffeine content. Again, it is not recommended late at night in order not to have trouble sleeping in the evening. It is more convenient to consume green tea 1-2 hours after lunch. For example, herbal teas such as peppermint-lemon ginger can be consumed 15-20 minutes after meals or can be consumed with meals. Moreover, the consumption of these herbal teas activates your digestive system.

It is necessary to leave the herbal teas in hot water for 5 minutes and then drink. Do not mix herbal teas without too much variety. Many mixed herbal teas can damage the liver and kidney, and their bioavailability may go away. For example, it will be sufficient to consume lemon, cloves, cinnamon and apple slices in the brew linden.

Which Herbal Teas Should Be Drinked?

The effect of green tea is quite high, especially those who want to lose weight is recommended to drink 1-2 cups a day. Teas with a more soothing effect are recommended only in nervous, stress, anxiety, depression or menstrual periods. Such as chamomile, lemon balm, fennel, jasmine, lime teas.

Anise, ginger, thyme, mint teas are recommended in cases such as stomach problems, bloating-gas.

Green tea, sage, linden and ginger teas can be preferred for the immune system, especially since it contains catechin. It is recommended to throw 2-3 slices of lemon and cinnamon into herbal teas.

Who Can Eat Herbal Teas?

Except for individuals who have pregnancy, blood pressure, kidney, heart problems and who consume more than one drug, everyone can consume it regularly and in a controlled manner. They can use the teas that they can consume within the specialist consciously.