It is a known fact that couples living in vaginismus are on the verge of divorce, although they love their spouses. Although spouses have sexual desires, they may not be able to perform sexual intercourse. These unsuccessful experiences create problems between spouses and can reduce their self-esteem over time.

So what is vaginismus and why is it vaginismus?

Vaginismus organic is not related to any reason, it can be defined as the involuntary or regenerative spasm or contraction of the muscles surrounding the vagina involuntarily by closing the vagina entrance to prevent sexual intercourse. Today's research has emphasized the presence of more pain and anxiety by reducing the emphasis on spasm.

In vaginismus, it is impossible or painful for the penis to enter the vagina. It often manifests itself by avoiding sexual intercourse, spasm in the vaginal muscles, anticipation of pain, fear or experience of pain. Vaginusmus is more common in our country than western countries. It is not possible for people who experience pain during genital sexual activity to be considered sexually healthy according to the definition given by the World Health Organization.

Although the causes of vaginismus are not yet known, disorders of many factors such as sexual and physical abuse, negative religious-cultural attitudes towards sexuality, pro-marriage, lack of sexual knowledge and education, sexual dysfunction in the spouse, pre-marital sexual inexperience, problems in relationships with the spouse. It has been suggested to be effective.

What is wrong about vaginismus?

Vaginismus does not disappear with vaginal contractions, using gels or drinking alcohol, sleeping, getting pregnant, giving birth to children, and applying local anesthetic drugs. Practices such as the operation of the hymen or sexual intercourse under general anesthesia are far from solving the problem.

How is vaginismus treatment?

Vaginismus is a sexual dysfunction that is treatable and easy to treat. With sexual therapy that you will perform with your clinical psychologist, this problem can be treated with a treatment success rate exceeding 90% in approximately 12 sessions in an average of 3-4 months. Vaginusmus is not a deficiency. Starting today, you can start taking the first steps in your life and increase your quality of life with effective changes. Remember that you are not alone! Feel free to get help!

Exp. Psychologist. Nurdan GÜNDOĞDU
Medilife Beylikdüzü Hospital