What is Tinnitus?

Called tinnitus among the people, Tinnitus is the disturbing sound that a person hears in his ear. It is the patient's perception of sound without an external sound stimulus. While patients sometimes describe these sounds as a ringing sound, they can sometimes describe them as wind noise, humming or an engine sound. All of them are called Tinnitus (Tinnitus).

At What Ages Is It Often Seen?

As it can be seen at any age, it is often seen at the age of 40-70. Everyone knows ringing starting from middle ages; it is often interpreted for other reasons. The view that “someone remembered me” is often used in society. The biggest challenge in a nervous tinnitus is that the sound is heard only by the patient and often the cause cannot be detected.

Causes Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is divided into two. In lens ringing, the sound can be heard by both the patient and others. Subjective tinnitus; The sound inside the ear is only heard by the patient. This is the most common type. The damage to the sensory cells in the cochlea (snail) organ in the inner ear due to advanced life, exposure to high noise or circulating problems is manifested as ringing. In addition, earwax, infection, fluid accumulation in the middle ear, puncture in the eardrum, hardening of the joints of the bones in the middle ear, vascular enlargement in the head and neck region, acoustic norinoma (inner ear tumor), allergy, high or low blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid problems , bumps and drugs (antibiotics, aspirin, etc.) from the head and neck area can cause ringing.

What Investigations Are Required While Investigating The Reason Of Tinnitus?

First of all, the patient should undergo a full examination by the ENT doctor. After that, hearing test, blood pressure measurement, blood tests (blood sugar, cholesterol, liver, goiter tests) and radiological examinations (CT, MR) can be done.

Is It Harmful To Listen To Loud Music?

In today's world, loud noise is probably the most common cause of ringing. Unfortunately, many people are either unaware or do not care about how harmful industrial noise is, especially in summer months, the noise of weddings, loud music and other noises. We often see tinnitus in soldiers and hunters shooting guns.

Can Tinnitus Seriously Affect Quality of Life?

Tinnitus patients often think that this problem is only theirs. Many of these patients have trouble talking in a noisy environment. Even if it is not the first or the most obvious symptom of a patient's life-threatening illness, it can seriously reduce the quality of life of the patient, and therefore family members, with the psychological effect it creates.

Is there a surgical treatment of tinnitus?

Unfortunately, no. In rare cases, ringing can continue even if the cause of ringing is found and operated.

Does Cigarette Affect Ringing?

Yes. Smoking can reduce hearing and increase ringing. Because smoking can reduce oxygen supply and disrupt the operation of the inner ear, which is highly dependent on oxygen.

How Is It Treated?

First of all, the person should protect himself from high noise. If problems such as high blood pressure, goiter, diabetes are detected related to internal diseases, these should be tackled. In the treatment of tinnitus, many different drugs are used and new drugs are added to this list with ongoing studies. In addition, masking treatment, electrotherapy and acupuncture with hearing aids are among the treatment methods. Psychological factors increase the perception of ringing, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders are observed in patients with ringing. These patients can be treated with psychotherapy. There are studies in recent years that the soft laser applied to the inner ear reduces the ringing.

What can the patient do to reduce tinnitus?

First of all, it is necessary to be protected from loud sound. Drugs such as aspirin, quinine, aminoglycoside, which can cause ringing should not be used if it is not necessary. Avoid excessively salty foods and blood pressure should be checked regularly. Coffee, cola and cigarette, which have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, should be avoided. A more active lifestyle should be adopted instead of sedentary life; exercise should be done. this will improve blood circulation.

Kiss. Dr. Cenk Evren