Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and because of the increase in the incidence, breast cancer awareness and screening programs are of great importance. For this reason, it is very important to implement the recommended control programs for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. Diagnosing breast cancer at an early stage increases the chances of the treatment to succeed and survive. With screening methods, 61% of breast cancer diagnoses can be made in the early localized period. The 5-year life expectancy of patients caught during this period has a very high rate of 99%.

The purpose of screening programs is to provide a healthier and longer life thanks to early diagnosis and effective treatment; Increasing the quality of life of the patients with treatment, early diagnosis, and breast-sparing treatment options (taking part of the breast) can also be offered to patients.

In the early stages, breast cancers may not show any obvious symptoms until later, as in other types of cancer. The most important factor in early diagnosis is to raise the awareness of the subject. Three basic methods can be applied for early diagnosis. These; Breast self-examination by the person, breast examination and mammography (breast x-ray film) performed annually by the doctor.

In the period after the age of 20, women are required to self-examine their breasts every month. 7-10 after the onset of menstruation in the pre-menopausal period. days, and in the post-menopausal period, you should examine on the same day of each month. When any suspicious mass is found in the breast tissue, you should immediately consult a doctor. After the age of 20, you should have a breast examination every 2 years and once a year after the age of 40. It has been determined that cancer can be caught very early in women followed up in this way and a 30% reduction in breast cancer-related deaths has been achieved.

Radiological examination should not be the first thing to be done in patients with breast complaints. First of all, it should be known that some diseases related to the breast skin cannot be detected by examinations. If only an examination is performed without a doctor's examination, there is a high probability of skipping these ailments that hold the nipple and skin. For this reason, necessary examinations (breast ultrasound, mammography, breast MR etc.) are requested according to the age of the patient after the doctor's examination.

Breast ultrasonography is a very easy examination. Although mammography examination is a little painful, it is very valuable in detecting some conditions that cannot be detected on ultrasound.

As a result; It should not be forgotten that breast cancer is the most common disease in women and treated when caught early. Although the incidence of breast cancer increases with age, it can occur even at a young age. Therefore, even if there is no discomfort, it is recommended that every woman have breast control from an early age.