Tracheostomy is a method of respiratory support applied in pediatric or adult patients due to respiratory, neurological and muscular diseases or in cases where trauma and prolonged respiratory support are required.

Some of the patients who have undergone this type of surgery can breathe much more comfortably than before, communicate more strongly with the environment, and feed by mouth. In some patients, secretions accumulate in the mouth due to the inability to cough, swallow, and control their saliva, and these accumulated secretions must be removed with the aid of an aspiration device.

It should be known that care of each patient requires care, meticulousness and patience, and Patient Care with Tracheostomy should be handled with utmost care, and the patient should be undertaken without any discomfort.

Patient Care with Tracheostomy is an extremely important condition in terms of hygiene.

Many children and adult tracheostomic patients generally present with the complaint of ATES. Among the causes of this fever

• Frequent urinary tract infection
• Upper respiratory tract infection
• Ear infection
• Lower respiratory infections are considered and monitored.

However, TOOTH INFECTIONS should be considered especially in the child age group. ORAL AND DENTAL HEALTH should be followed in patients who take multiple seizure medications, who cannot swallow their saliva in the mouth and have abundant secretion. It is important that the teeth are cared for during and after the extraction.

• The most important factor in children with tracheostomy who did not fall in our intensive care unit and applied with frequent fever was dental caries. For this reason, together with our Oral and Dental Health team, patients who stay in our intensive care unit are carefully treated and controlled. If necessary, tooth extraction and treatment are performed under anesthesia and sedation.
• The use of antibiotics has decreased, the growth and development of patients have improved and the quality of life has been improved in our patients whose oral and dental health follow-up and treatment has been provided.