Sun rays have harmful and beneficial effects for humans. The most important of the beneficial effects is vitamin D synthesis, which can be synthesized in the skin with sun rays. From the harmful effects, we can show negative effects such as sunburn, sun spots, skin tumors, darkening in freckles, brittle hair and thinning. Reasons such as the age of the patient, skin type, and geographic cut should be taken into consideration in order to be protected from the sun. It is especially important to be protected from sunburn in children and elderly people. People with sunburn at this age are more likely to develop skin tumors. Of the leather types, Type 1 is the most sensitive to sun rays and Type 6 is the most durable leather type. To protect from the sun, preservatives containing at least 50 protection factors should be applied half an hour before going out. It is recommended not to go out in the sun between 11:00 and 17:00 as long as possible. When sunbathing outside these hours, it is necessary to apply sunscreen again, if the time is longer, it should be repeated after 3-4 hours.