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Low back, neck and back pain are among the most common reasons for consulting a doctor. Chronic spine pains and underlying pathologies cause worldwide loss of work, job changes and disability retirement. Chronic low back pain can occur in the person for various reasons. Although hernia is the most known and feared cause of low back pain in the society, it is only one of the underlying pathologies. Other causes include fibromyalgia, rheumatic diseases, scoliosis and other deformities, facet joint disorders, age-related degenerative changes in the spine, osteoporotic collapse fractures.

Today, the purpose of treating low back, neck and back pain is to reduce pain by maintaining anatomical integrity and mobility, and to return the patient to daily life as soon as possible.

The main treatment methods are:

• Physical therapy and rehabilitation
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant drug treatments
• Minimally invasive interventions (facet joint blockage, facet joint radiofrequency ablation, epidural injection, nucleoplasty)
• These are herniated disc and neck hernia operations.

Minimally Invasive Methods Without Surgery Can Be Used For The Treatment Of Low Back Pain.

Minimally invasive interventions are increasingly used in Europe and North America for patients who do not have advanced pressure on the nerve roots to the spinal cord and legs, and do not need a herniated or neck hernia operation.

The benefits of minimally invasive interventions include the fact that the anatomical integrity of the muscle structures around the spine and spine is not disrupted, the rest period after the procedure is very short, the use of long-term medication, the need for physical therapy and rehabilitation, the patient's return to work, daily and social life in a short time. Although the risks and complication rates of minimally invasive procedures are very low compared to surgical treatments, they are not completely risk free methods. Infection, nerve damage, bleeding are the main problems that can be seen and in order to avoid them, they should be applied by experienced neurosurgeons and algologists in centers with adequate equipment.
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