What is ESWT?

ESWT (Extra corporeal Shock Wave Therapy) is briefly shock wave therapy. It is a non-invasive method, based on the principle that strong sound waves created outside the body are focused on a desired area of ​​the body through a steel cap applicator. Since it is applied in a short time, it offers treatment with high success in several sessions.

In which conditions can ESWT be used?

Calcified tendinitis of the shoulder; shoulder pain caused by the inflammation of calcium deposits in the tendons in the tendons near the shoulder joint,

Tennis player and golfer elbow; elbow pain due to overuse,

Heel spur; foot pain, which is more common in overweight people due to overuse,

Plantar fasciitis

Chronic metatarsalgia, persistent painful diseases of the soles of the feet,

Achilles tendonitis,

-Patellar tendinitis, patellar type syndrome, jumper knee disease

Trochanteric bursitis

-Tibialis anterior syndrome, tibial periostitis, shinsplits treatment

What is the treatment period, how many sessions are applied?

Session times vary according to the number of shocks applied, frequency and energy level. The average session duration takes 20-25 minutes. In soft tissue applications, the patient is expected to get rid of the complaint for periods ranging from 3 to 5 sessions.

When should ESWT not be applied?

It is not applied to pregnant women, those with pacemakers, patients with cancer and bones that have not yet completed development.

Are there any side effects?

There is no known side effect other than mild rash on the shock treatment. The patient can continue his daily work after treatment.

When does the patient notice the effect?

Pain can decrease within one week from the first session. The purpose of ESWT treatment is not to temporarily relieve pain, but to provide permanent treatment.

What are the benefits of ESWT treatment?

Outpatient treatment

No anesthesia required

Fast results

Drug-free treatment

High success

Increased quality of life

What is the ESWT success rate?

Success rates of 80% in shoulder patients, 70% in tennis and golf elbows and 85% and above in heel spurs are reported.