It is very important for those who will take the exam to be fed before and on the day of the exam. Since stress is high in this period, people should not be forced to eat. Since everyone's eating habits and taste are different, it should not be addressed about eating some foods because they are beneficial and should not be excluded from eating habits.

Foods that do not react in the body should be taken when the person has a habit. Eating should not be eaten a day before, as there is a risk of food poisoning. If it is obligatory to eat, foods that may deteriorate quickly such as mayonnaise and chicken should be avoided and foods sold in the open should not be consumed.

Avoid gases and heavy foods

Foods such as legumes and cabbage, which will cause gas problems, should be avoided one day before the exam. Since it will negatively affect the success, frying, mixed dishes formed by combining many foods, very fatty, heavy sauce dishes should not be preferred, and light, non-fat foods should be consumed as much as possible.

Reduce tea coffee consumption

Drinking too much tea, coffee and cola especially during this period causes heart palpitations, restlessness, and sleeplessness, fear and anxiety in the late hours. It contains plenty of caffeine in cola drinks. Instead, it is more appropriate to consume herbal teas such as rosehip, chamomile and sage with high vitamin C content.

Don't start the day without breakfast

Try to stay away from caffeine-containing beverages and foods as much as possible (acidic beverages, coffee, excessive chocolate etc.) Be careful to consume foods that contain excess salt (brine) and sugar Careful attention to foods that have gas-making properties (legumes acidic beverages etc.) stay away from food and drink and try not to eat from outside as much as possible. Do sports and activities that you enjoy outdoors.

Eat rich in vitamin C

Tiredness and reluctance increase during stress. The tendency to sleep decreases. Therefore, it is very important to sleep regularly and to take the exam with sleep. In reducing stress, it has been observed that a diet rich in vitamin C increases the level of adrenaline and reduces stress. For this reason, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C should be consumed frequently. For example, vegetables and fruits such as oranges, kiwi, potatoes, peppers, carrots and broccoli are rich in vitamin C. Especially fish, walnuts, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, red meat, molasses, parsley, green pepper, kiwi, orange, rosehip should definitely be included in your weekly and daily diet.

Have an ideal exam breakfast

It is very natural to have nausea and anorexia with stress in the morning. Therefore, it may be desired to consume less food than other times. Consumption of healthy foods should be ensured by keeping the amounts low. Consumption of large amounts of mixed fatty foods is also not recommended in the morning.
Sample breakfast menu:
• 1 glass of juice (Freshly squeezed is preferred)
• 1-2 slices of cheese
• 1 egg (boiled or skimmed omelet)
• 3 whole walnuts or 5-6 almonds
• 4-5 olives 1 dessert spoon molasses
• 2 -3 slices of whole wheat bread
• 1 kiwi or 5-6 strawberries or 1 tablespoon raisins

Tomatoes, cucumbers The biggest mistake made to consume sugar to make my brain work better The biggest mistake made is the consumption of sweets that contain large amounts of chocolate and simple sugar because the brain works with sugar. Excess sugar consumption will reduce sugar faster. In people whose blood sugar drops rapidly, concentration decreases, numbness in the hands and feet increases, and hypoglycemia is observed. In this respect, breakfast is essential, not only sugary things, but also a pattern of quality proteins.

Foods that reduce stress and give happiness (releasing serotonin)

• Whole wheat bread, bulgur pilaf, pasta, cakes made from whole wheat flour, etc.
• Cheese, milk and eggs
• Banana, kiwi strawberry
• Adequate amount of chocolate (Preferably 30 grams of Dark Chocolate)