Pathology is the specialty that investigates the origin, causes, development processes and consequences of diseases. For this, structural changes in tissues and cells are examined in biopsy samples taken from body tissues and fluids.

Biopsy samples coming to our pathology laboratory are processed with tissue tracking device, paraffin blocking and sectioning devices after detailed macroscopic examinations. These biopsy specimens are diagnosed under the microscope and the result is reported to the doctor.

During surgery, intraoperative histopathological (frozen) diagnosis can be made when needed. For this process, we serve with our cryostat device. In addition to histopathological examinations, routine cytological examinations such as vaginal-cervical smears, sputum, and samples taken from all body fluids are also performed in our laboratory.
In the radiology department, it is determined whether fine needle aspiration biopsies taken from organs and tissues such as breast, thyroid, lung, liver, lymph node, salivary gland, soft tissue masses under USG or CT are sufficient for diagnosis. Thus, the patient does not need to perform the same procedure for the second time.

Our pathology laboratory also provides diagnostic and consultation services for biopsy, cytology, ready-made preparations and paraffin blocks coming from outside the hospital. If desired, both macroscopic and microscopic digital image recording can be provided.