Lung Cancer, Asthma, Allergy, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Plorezia, Sarcoidosis, Pnomotorax, Pulmonary Embolism are among the diseases that fall into the treatment area of ​​the Chest Diseases Department. In addition to radiological imaging techniques, the diagnosis of these diseases also supports our physician staff in the provision of modern treatment services to our patients, such as Respiratory Function Laboratory, allergy tests, bronchoscopy device.

Early Diagnosis is Important

In cases where the disease has advanced, prolonged cough, sputum, and shortness of breath caused especially by walking and climbing uphill are the most common complaints. Since the disease is insidious, sometimes it may not be felt by the patient until it reaches advanced stages. On the other hand, no complaints may develop in the early stages. For this reason, in people who are over 40 years old, smokers or smokers or who are in a dusty environment because of the social environment, a person should see a chest diseases specialist and have a pulmonary function test if at least one of the symptoms of cough, sputum and shortness of breath is present.

Things to pay attention

Smoking cessation is the control of exposure to environmental and occupational cigarettes, long-term treatment, treatment of sudden onset attacks. Things to do to control COPD; proper nutrition, regular exercise program under doctor control, regular sleep and smoke-free environments.
What is COPD?

COPD is a common disease that involves chronic difficult treatment processes, especially caused by smoking or inhalation of harmful dust particles, and COPD ranks 4th among the causes of death.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a progressive lung disease caused by a non-microbial inflammation in the airways.

Causes of COPD:

• Occupational harmful gases, particles (microparticle) inhalation.
• Effective smoking.
• It is air pollution.

Symptoms of Coah Disease

• Cough
• Expectoration
• Spitting blood
• shortness of breath
• Chest blockage
• Wheezing breathing
Decreased oxygen saturation of the blood
• It is swelling in the feet due to heart failure.

Effects of Coah Disease on the Body

• The airways narrow, meaning less air enters the lungs.
• The walls of the airways thicken and swell.
• The muscles around the airways contract.
• Increased sputum inside the airways causes blockages.
• The air in the alveolar cannot be emptied back due to congestion, we feel our chest tight.