In Medilife Health Group Dermatology Unit; A wide range of services are provided by our specialist physicians, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.

In the dermatology department;

Diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair and nail diseases Diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of moles (nevi) Cosmetic dermatology applications (botox, filling, mesotherapy, PRP and hair and skin treatments (platelet rich plasma), chemical peeling procedures, dermaroller) Laser applications (skin Laser treatment of vascular formations, namely superficial VARIS, scar treatment (post-operative scars), skin rejuvenation, spot treatment) Skin cancers diagnosis and treatment (patient information, sun protection methods and treatments) Scar treatments (acne scar, skin cracks-stria) Cautery and cryotherapy applications Dermatological surgery applications (nail sticking, me and cyst removal) Allergic skin diseases in the diagnosis of allergic skin diseases diagnosis and treatments Dermatovenerology Diagnosis and treatment of sweating

Allergy Tests

• Patch Test
• Prick Test (30 pieces)
• Specific IgE (in Blood)

• Pediatric (20 Panel)
• Respiratory (10 Panel)
• Food (Panel of 10)

Patch Test

It is a test to detect the allergic substance causing the disease in those with allergic contact dermatitis (allergic contact eczema). The test is evaluated 48 and 72 hours after the test material adhered to the skin of the back is removed from the skin. Allergens with patch test: Nickel containing metals, cement, dyes, fertilizer, ink, dentistry and orthopedic materials, soaps, medicines, furniture polish, leather, fur, anesthetic agents, sweeteners, skin care products, rubber, rubber ... like

Patch test allergen content is 29.

Prick Test

It is a test used to detect respiratory allergens, food allergens, bee allergens. This test is performed in the diagnosis of allergic cold, allergic asthma, urticaria (hives) diseases. For the test application, a small scratch is created on the inside of the arm and allergen is entered into the skin. The test is evaluated after 15-20 minutes. Flu medications, painkillers, cough syrups, allergy medications, stomach and depression medications should be discontinued at least 7 days before the test to ensure that the test does not give an erroneous result. Vital drugs such as heart, sugar and high blood pressure should not be stopped without consulting a doctor. In our hospital, prick test is performed with 30 allergens. These allergens are: tree pollen, grass pollen, mold fungus, house dust, cockroach, honey bee and wasp, cat, dog, poultry and various food allergens. According to the Prick test result, vaccine treatment for the allergic agent is also recommended.
Allergy Panels

Specific allergens are detected in the blood by a blood draw.

In children, 20 allergens are detected with the Pediatric Allergy panel. These allergens are: House dust, tree pollen, grass pollen, cat, dog, mold fungus, milk, egg, meat, carrot, potato, nut, peanut, etc. allergens.

In adults, the Food and Respiratory panel is considered separately. 10 allergens are detected in each panel.

Adult Food Panel: Eggs, milk, tomatoes, nuts, peanuts, shellfish, red meat, cocoa, gluten, strawberries.

Adult Respiratory Panel: House dust, grass pollen, grain pollen, tree pollen, weed pollen, mold fungus.


• Skin Biopsy (in the diagnosis of all kinds of skin diseases)
Electrocautery (Meat moles, wart, ...)
• Cryotherapy
• Easy, safe and effective cryotherapy procedure is performed with CRYOPEN device.

Cryotherapy Application Areas:

• Verruka vulgaris (warts)
• Lentigo (sun spots)
• Seborrheic keratosis (scabs due to sun and old age)
• Molloscum contagiosum (viral infection)
• Skin tags (moles)
• Milyum (oil meringues)

Sweating Treatment

Galvenotherapy (IONTOFOREZ DEVICE)

It is used in the treatment of hand, foot and armpit sweating. A total of 3-5 sessions of treatment are applied for 3-5 sessions per week. The session duration is 20-30 minutes. Hands and feet are placed in containers filled with water and 10-20 mA current is given. There are positive and negative electrodes inside the container. This treatment is not applied to pregnant women, those with metal prostheses, and patients with pacemakers. Patients who suffer from sweating are strongly recommended to examine the causes of sweating by the dermatology doctor and to obtain information on the methods of sweating treatment.