In the Medilife Health Group Anesthesiology and Reanimation Department, anesthesia is performed in all kinds of surgical interventions and interventions within the patient care and treatment service. Medical evaluation before anesthesia is done by specialists.

Anesthesia is the absence of sensation. General Anesthesia is the disappearance of sensory functions with temporary loss of consciousness. It is also called "Narcosis" instead of anesthesia among the people. Although narcosis seems to be synonymous with anesthesia, it is a pronounced state of numbness caused by a high degree of sensitivity elimination without complete loss of consciousness.
Types of Anesthesia Applied

General anesthesia is divided into 3 as local anesthesia and regional anesthesia.

The Anesthesiologist's Preoperative Evaluations About The Patient's Health Status

1. Information about the patient's general health, if any, (chronic) or previous illnesses is obtained.
2. Cardiovascular - General examination is performed in terms of anesthesia, especially the lung, and the risks are determined.
3. Allergy status, drug allergies are evaluated.
4. Medication, smoking, alcohol use, other habits are asked.
5. It is learned if there are previous surgeries.
6. Anesthesia is decided to be applied and the patient is informed about the appropriate anesthesia method.
7. Information is given about the anesthesia method to be used during the surgery.